Invitation to talk about Covid-19

Weathering the pandemic 

If there is interest in talking to us at OLI-works about the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically to compare notes and possibly develop a workshop series, feel welcome to contact us.  At our Spanish and French language workshops and over some years we have discussed how the pandemic affected participants in diverse locales, including Vancouver, Kelowna, Calgary, Ottawa-Gatineau and Halifax in Canada, and at locations in Spain, France, Romania, Sweden and Austria.

The novel coronavirus that emerged is named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease it causes is named COVID-19.

To aid discussion, we are compiling a short, annotated list of links available in 2020 that we feel are valuable for gaining some understanding of the pandemic. We will extend the list subject to time and interest.

For day-to-day developments we assume that readers are consulting the authoritative sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO), ministries of public health in their own countries and regions, trusted journalists and the Coronavirus COVID-19 database at the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering in the US.

If you have come across articles that have been particularly useful in helping you understand the science of infectious viruses, the adequacy of the public health machinery or related international developments, please feel free to contact us with your suggestions. We will at minimum review these and may add them to the developing story.


Mar 24th, 2020

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