Membership of our Review Panel

Peer-peer learning and networking, on-line

An internationally experienced Review Panel is currently providing us with an on-line critique of our Climate Change and Cleantech workshop series. To individual members, we provide training on request: features of our virtual office, synchronous and asynchronous collaborative processes, two videoconferencing platforms and any testing desired. The Review Panel is commenting on two aspects; namely, the content of our recorded workshops (webinars), and also on the methods we use in our protocol to assemble this virtual team and accomplish a review.

Our OLI meetings take place about once a week, even while some members are travelling to locations around the world. They tune in from their mobile devices.

In addition to providing us with a critique, our OLI meetings provide fantastic networking opportunities among peers. It’s a key incentive.

Membership of the Review Panel

Dr. Sam Lanfranco – Panel Chair
Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar
Department of Economics
York University
Toronto, ON, Canada

Mr. Kevin Grose
Communications and Knowledge Management Advisor
Formerly Coordinator, Information Services
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
New York, NY, USA

Ms. Diane Beckett
President, Environment and Development
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mr. Steve Synyshyn
Member of the Board, Canadian Association of International Development Professionals
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Twitter: @ssynyshyn

Mr. Arthur Levin
President, Artech Global
Formerly senior official at International Telecommunication Union
Formerly Deputy Executive Director, World Summit of the Information Society

Dr. Nathan Brett, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor
Department of Philosophy
Dalhousie University

On-line facilitators and ICT support

Ms. Meg Barker
Founder, OLI-works
La Pêche, QC, Canada

Ms. Emelia Koberg
On-line facilitator, OLI-works
Montreal, QC, Canada

Mr. Richard Labelle
President, the Aylmer Group
Ottawa, ON, Canada


Jan 4th, 2013

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