
Framework for Climate Change

New OLI Workshop We are pleased to announce a new collaboration in the theme of science, technology and innovation to address climate change (STI4CC).  We are offering a second, on-line and interactive (OLI) workshop series titled “ICTs and the Evolving Global Framework on Climate Change”, featuring Mr. Arthur Levin, JD. This workshop will complement our existing and constantly updated “climate

Jul 6th, 2015
by MBarker

OLi Cleantech workshops at DFATD

    OLI Workshops delivered around the world In fall 2013, we worked with talented staff at the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) to orient our on-line, interactive (OLI) workshop and webinar series on “cleantech” to their corporate training needs. We combined the expertise of the DFATD Trade Commissioner Service Renewal Division, the DFATD Sustainable Technologies

Jan 26th, 2015
by MBarker